odd-lot thoughts

Friday, October 22, 2004

My blogging challenge to myself

I've been reading about the National Novel Writing Month, and I'm intrigued and tempted. Not because I feel a novel inside me clamoring to get out, but just because I enjoy writing. Essentially, if you join at this website, you're publicly committing to completing a 50,000 word novel in November.

And then I got a further jolt when Blogger folks decided to hook up with that event and create what they call A National Novel Blog writing month.Here they add the challenge by providing a place to showcase folks who want to try writing the novel on their blogs. I love a challenge!

But a hard look at my schedule convinced me that it would just be insane to try this (I usually consider that a plus, not a minus). But I just couldn't let that challenge lie there. So I'm going to try to write 50,000 words in November, in my blogs. I have several, not just this one, so don't panic. This blog won't be inundated with word-count drivel.

I have no idea of how difficult this will be, but I need a kick in the pants every now and then so this is it. For some bloggers, 50,000 words would probably count as a slow month. The only metric I have is the one on my Blogger profile, which shows Blogger stats, including words written. I'll take note of that on October 31st, and then on November 30th, I'll know how productive I've been.

Now I'm off to fire an email to Blogger, suggesting they create a showcase for National Blog Writing Month.

Any one else interested in participating?

Update: I just found out that there's a bug or as they like to call it, a "known issue" in the word count in Blogger. It's not getting updated at the moment. I guess I could implement a work-around and create everything in one big Word file first. But I like writing right into the create post interface of Blogger. I guess I can deal, but it's just not as much fun.

But I'll save my pouting until after November 1st when it counts more.


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